Westerner Robotics, also known as team 4717, is a robotics team located in the small town of Lubbock, Texas. The Lubbock High robotics program consists of over 75 members participating in FTC and FRC from our Robo-lab located in our school’s old kitchen.
Students in the LHS robotics program not only gain exposure in STEM but also develop skills to be successful in their career path of choice, such as gracious professionalism, integrity, respect, and creativity.
When the Westerners aren’t working hard building robots, they are busy working on making STEM kits and interacting with their community. Through their STEM kit initiative, Westerner robotics aims to spread stem to socioeconomically disadvantaged students by sending them STEM activity kits and personally teaching them about STEM.
We hope to see you on our journey spreading STEM through the Wild West and beyond!